Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss

Seuss, Dr. (1990). Oh, the Places You'll Go. New York: Random House. Grades K-3.

Award: Mom's Choice Standard Award (2005)
Subject Area: Language Arts
Genre: Poetry; fiction

Summary: This story poetically describes what it is like for the character in the book to travel through phases in his life. After visiting many places, he finds himself at "the waiting place" which is described to be a place in which time does not pass and only waiting occurs. After this, however, the character is able to see what is in store for him and the many new places he will visit in the future. This book symbolizes what it is like to go through life's transitions.

Themes/Topics: Life transitions

Initiating Questions & Activity:
  • Questions: What is a place that you would like to go? Does anyone know what it feels like to have to wait and wait for something you want or for something to change? Do you like when things change?
  • Activity: Discuss some places your students have been or where they would like to go in the future as well as discuss the questions that are asked of them such as their feelings about changes and what it's like to have to wait.

Culminating & Extending Questions:
  • Questions: What was your favorite part of this book? Do you have any rhymes that stood out to you? Where do you want to go in the future?
  • Activity: Because this book talks about the different places that you will go, we will do an activity that gives the students an opportunity to think of their future and where they will be at certain times in their life. They must finish the sentence starters that are given to them such as, "By the end of this school year, I hope to...", "After I graduate from high school I plan to..." etc.

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